Dear child has many names
How many names are there not on our dear potato. I call them POTATOES, or PLUGG. Of course, it depends on where in the world you live. But the very correct name for potatoes is SOLANUM TUBEROSUM (according to Carl von Linné). Otherwise, the name potato comes via English potatoes from the Spanish “patata”, which comes from a mixture of the name of sweet potato “batata”, and “papa”, which is the most common name in Spanish-speaking countries and is similar to “papa”. that the potatoes are related to the tomato and pepper, I did not do it at least before I started checking the facts. And clearly, the potato is one of our largest crops also internationally. If you want to dive deep into potato fact, I recommend that link to wikipedia or click here to see how I make my classic raw fried potato cake.
" i år har jag planterat massor av potatis “
I think it’s so much fun to grow potatoes. Partly because it gives so much harvest and is easy to care for. But also there are so many different varieties with different taste, texture and color. I have plants so much that I will not be able to eat it myself, so I have built a box that I put outside the gate at our house and sell – brilliant business.
Ett litet tips!
Odlar du själv potatis är det inte säkert att du vet att det går alldeles utmärkt att stoppa ner plantan igen i jorden. Titta efter om ser att det finns några "knoppar" kvar i rotsystemet. Vattna på ordentligt i hålet och ner med plantan igen. I bästa fall går det att få 1-2 skördar till.
Hur du kokar din potatis perfekt!
- Skrubba potatisen noga, men låt skalet sitta kvar (försök att köpa ekologisk potatis).
- Salta vattnet ordentligt, det skall vara en rejäl sälta i vattnet.
- Olika potatissorter har olika koktid, men mitt tipps är att se till att du inte kokar för länge.
- Låt potatisen vila till sig i kastrullen med en rejäl klick smör innan servering.